Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How you go is just as important as Where you go. (Or, How to be a friend to people)—John Wentz

12 Days Outside Reflections. How you go is just as important as Where you go.  (Or, How to be a friend to people)—John Wentz
This year we are challenging everyone who is able to serve 12 days outside the walls of the church. You can serve on your own, with your family, or with your small group or Sunday School Class.  The point is that we want people to be a blessing to people in the world around them.  This attitude of blessing is what it means to be a follower of Christ. He gave us the great example when he washed his disciples feet, and he gave us the great commission to go into all the world and make disciples. Therefore, we want you to GO outside the walls of South Side. Perhaps you are already blessing people outside the church at your local school as a mentor, at the hospital as a volunteer, or with your neighbor who needs a babysitter or a meal. Perhaps you need to find a place to go, and that is your biggest challenge. We are confident that God will lead you Where you need to go.  Whether it be a mission trip, a regularly scheduled day of the week, or whenever God prompts you, we know that God will show you Where you can be a blessing.
I want you to remember that How you go is just as important as Where you go.   This is the exact same lesson that we reinforce to kids at Garage-a-palooza each year. This attitude or posture comes from Colossians 3:17,23: And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him… Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Do you see the emphasis? It isn’t so much on WHAT you do as HOW you do it. God is describing how YOU can be a blessing. So here is HOW you can be a blessing Wherever you go and in whatever you do:
B-Begin with prayer-Before you go out to be a blessing, pray for the people! Really pray. Let your starting place for serving be your love for God.
L-Listen to others. Our time and service with others could be considered arrogant if we don’t listen to those we are serving. Take time to listen to the individual or organization. People don’t care how much you know or what you want to do for them until they know how much you care. Listen to others!
E-Eat with people. Have you ever shared a meal with your neighbors? Go out to eat with them! As you eat, watch your friendship grow.
S-Serve people when you can. As you begin to pray, listen and eat with others, you will see how you can be a servant. Then politely serve!
S-Share the message of Christ when the time is right. After doing the first four things mentioned, the time will come when your friend will want to know more about God. Then share a simple story of why you love God. Doing so will truly bless the other person and help them find their way back to God. 

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